Into Nature – The Beginning

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It’s no secret, I feel most at home when out in the wilderness. No not just out in nature, further than that and deeper still, out in the bush surrounded by nothing but the sounds of outdoors and my thoughts.

sunset, vancouver, english bay,
In a recent discussion with my mother, I was amused to discover I’ve always been this way. Entertained by the fact that my love of/for nature didn’t originate with my choice as an adult to live in a tiny Canadian town. Nature has always called my soul. Being alone outdoors has always beckoned me and presented itself as my great equalizer.

Steelhead Falls, Mission, B.C., Mission B.C., Fraser Valley, Waterfall,
When I was a girl, I would take off in the woods, climbing trees, picking fruit and blissfully wandering all by my lonesome. This was not unique to me. I spent the early years of my childhood in a small Jamaican community. Where people went to the market on Saturday then dressed in their best for church on Sunday. children played outside daily with each other as if it were a right of passage. Those of us who were fortunate had toys bought for them or sent from overseas from a relative. But the rest of us we made do with what we had and crafted our toys out of used juice boxes, Avacodo seeds, bottle tops, grass and corn cobbs to name a few. We didn’t do this because we were aiming to live a sustainable lifestyle. No, we did this because we were poor.


The commodity of money in any household was spent on the necessities of life, not frivolities. We never had a TV until I believe I was about eight years old. And the television we received came to us from a long lost hotelier distant cousin living on the fancy island of St. Croix. It was not new, not big but it was a luxury and colour to boot! I would sit in the Mamee tree, turning the antenna. my sister and I calling back and forth to each other until we had a picture that was clear enough or suitable to watch, Praying the wind didn’t interfere with our hard work.Steelhead Falls, Mission, B.C., Mission B.C., Fraser Valley, Waterfall,
Before the colour TV came, we would visit our neighbour “Uncle Willy Mac” every weekday evening for a few years to watch the news. he had a black and white television and at 6 p.m. He would turn it on to JBC (Jamaica Broadcast Corporation) I’m not that old but where I grew up seemed to be stuck in woman, black woman in nature, mission, mission B.c.

I believe these early years were the catalyst to shape the woman I am today. So naturally, When I need the right answers or need to clear my mind. I go out into nature and the deeper the need for clarity the further I go.



16 responses to “Into Nature – The Beginning”

  1. Cat Forsley Avatar

    HAPPY SHIVERS !!!!!!!!!!!!
    so Good xxxx


    1. Natoya Avatar

      Thanks so much!!! This is the most honest post I’ve ever written.


      1. Cat Forsley Avatar

        it’s beautiful to the max !!!!!!!! DO NOT STOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!


      2. Snazzynsweet Avatar

        This was amazing Beautiful Natoya – thank you for sharing from the heart! All the love your way!


  2. MarciaF Avatar

    It’s so interesting to read about your adventures. Thanks for sharing.


    1. Natoya Avatar

      Thank you Marcia ❤


  3. glamorable Avatar

    What a beautiful story! I love being in the nature too, and I’m especially inspired by the mountains and the sea.


    1. Natoya Avatar

      Thank you, how lucky are we to have nature to inspire us.


  4. Kathryne Avatar

    Lovely post! Your childhood memories were told on a way that it also triggered my own memories. Great story telling!


    1. Natoya Avatar

      Thank you so much. Thinking of making it a monthly series.


  5. jodi - a brash attitude Avatar

    Such a beautiful post, thank you for sharing your childhood memories! ❤


    1. Natoya Avatar

      Thank you


  6. My Nail Polish OBsession Avatar
    My Nail Polish OBsession

    Sounds like such a wonderful childhood. It’s nice to hear that you remember and appreciate it all!


    1. Natoya Avatar

      Thank you so much


  7. 25 Sweetpeas Avatar
    25 Sweetpeas

    That sky photo is just stunning! Looks like you have beautiful areas around you! 🙂


  8. Phyrra Avatar

    Such beautiful photography! Thank you for sharing.


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